Thursday 12 November 2015

Year 3 - The Best Conductor Experiment

The Best Conductor

Year 3 were challenged with setting up an experiment to find the best best conductor of electricity.  In groups they set up a complete circuit and set about testing a range of different materials.  Here are some of the pictures from our experiment.

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Year 3 - Kuka Robotics

Hi all, and welcome to year 3's class blog.  Our first post is our fantastic trip to Kuka Robotics in Birmingham.  The children got up close and personal with some real robots.  The children got to control, program and play with the Kuka robotic arms.  The children also took part in a design and drawing competition, to see who could create a new Kuka robot arm.
Everyone had fantastic time and a massive thank you is owed to all the parent helpers who assisted on the trip.

Monday 5 October 2015

Year 4 - SS Great Britan

Welcome to Year 4's blog!!
I can't believe how quick this term is progressing.

September saw us visiting the SS Great Britain and we all went 'on board' ship.
Here are some pictures for you to look at.

Here is 'Eddie' who told us all about the ship and its passengers. Steering is hard work!

 The dressing up was a lot of fun in our workshop.

 We examined artefacts used on the ship.

The pupils tried their hands at old fashioned penmanship!

Some objects were easier to identify than others!

Tuesday 23 June 2015

National Roman Legion Museum - Yr3

National Roman Legion Museum - Yr3

Hi and welcome to Year3's blog post from our fantastic trip to the National Roman Legion Museum in Caerleon.  We all had a fantastic day and learnt lots of new things about the Romans.  We marched like Roman soldiers in the Amphitheatre, checked out the Roman bathes remains, had a brilliant tour around the museum and finally got put some Roman armour on.  It was a fantastic day!

Check out some of our pictures: