Thursday 11 December 2014

Yr3 - Travel Agents - Booking a holiday project

Booking a holiday Project

Year 3 were given the task of booking a holiday to any country of their choosing.  They first had to research different countries, produce a fact file on a their chosen destination and book flights and a hotel.  Here are some pictures from our project. 

Thursday 20 November 2014

Yr3 - A thank you letter to Kuka Robotics

Thank you KUKA Robotics!

After our fantastic school trip to Kuka Robotics back in October we have been writing and typing thank you letters to all the staff for the wonderful experience they gave us.  The children have also drawn some excellent pictures of the robots we saw that day and decorated the thank you booklet.  The children have also picked their favorite pictures from their day at the robotics plant to share with Kuka.  Hope you enjoy. 

Monday 10 November 2014

Welcome back,
  I hope you all had a restful half-term. Year 4 has started the new term with daily swimming at Barry Leisure Centre.  We have settled into our new 'routine' and the children are looking forward to 'polish' their swimming techniques in the remaining two weeks.

The past week we have enjoyed two visits to our class to complement the new topic of '999 Emergencies. The pupils composed an array of interesting question to put forward to the Fire and Rescue team who looked in on us on Thursday afternoon. This was followed by a session on basic first aid instructions, expertly demonstrated by Mr. Groves. Tristan's dad kindly offered his knowledge and competent explanations to introduce this aspect of  'Emergency Care' to the class. We would like to thank him for his time again.

Here is Mr. Groves checking the 'airways', kindly helped by Ella.

A very competent and confident Georgia placing Evan in the 'Recovery Position'.

Mr. Groves volunteered his son Tristan to illustrate the 'Heimlich Manoeuvre'.

I hope you enjoyed this little update, signing off for now Mrs. Saye.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Dear Parents,
  welcome to Year 4 and we have already been very busy in the last few weeks!
We looked at the properties of triangles which was followed by a practical maths activity creating beautiful symmetrical patterns with triangles. Here are some examples of the pupils' work:

This is Ciara' pattern

The possibilities were endless!

I think this was Iwan's idea.

Lila and Tristan working a a design team.

More triangles end up in a larger design!

We were all agreed that triangles can create beautiful shapes, this would not have been possible with "boring" squares.

We 'sneaked' some time on Monday afternoon to finish a little art project which was started the Friday prior. It is Autumn the leaves are finally starting to fall, so we captured this image and scratched away to reveal our stunning leaves!
This is Tilly hard at work!
Ella's finished artwork! Beautiful!
Ciara displaying her artistic flair!
Lila thought one leaf is not enough!
Finally Ottilie's rainbow coloured autumn leaf.

Signing off for now Mrs. Saye and Year 4.

Yr 3 - Science Experiment Conductors

Science - Conductors

Here are some of the recent snaps from our class experiment

Yr3 - Kuka Robotics Trip

Hello all, and welcome to Year 3's first blog of the new term. Here are some pictures from our fantastic trip to KUKA Robotics! Hope you enjoy :)