Friday 26 April 2013

Class 3 Welcome a New Arrival!

Class 3 were very lucky this week as Father Edwin kindly spent a whole morning with us, teaching the children about the roles and duties of church workers and the important vestments, sacraments and symbolism associated with Father Edwin's work.

After a hands-on lesson in the classroom, where we learned all about Father Edwin's daily duties and got to dress up in his special clothes, we strode down to St Cadocs Church to take part in a mock christening ceremony for our new dolly God-daughter, Lucy Ann Reid. And very well behaved she was too!

We all had a great morning and learned lots about how busy Father Edwin is and what it means to become a Christian.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Year 4 -Techniquest Space Craft Challenge


Techniquest Space Craft Challenge - The children were asked to design and create a space craft that could lower a rover on to mars’ surface safely.  The children considered what materials they could use to both protect the rover and slow the craft down so that it achieved a smooth landing.

Year 4 Science experiment

Year 4's Science Experiment

Hannah's group putting the plants in the pots with soil in them.

We are conducting a plant experiment in science. We are testing to see how plants respond to different enviroments. Plant 1 has water and sunlight. Plant  2 has sunlight and no water and plant 3 has just water and lastly plant 4 has nothing (no sunlight and no water)

Tom group preparing plants for experiment.

In this picture Hannah's group are getting the plants ready for the experiment. They are putting the cress plants in little pots. These pots have soil in them and now the plants are ready for the experiment.

In this picture Tom's group are sorting out their cress plants ready

to go on the window sill or in the cupboard.

 Alys's group are deciding which plants are going to be plant numbers 1 2 and 3.


In this picture Serena's group are doing their Hypothesis for the plants 1 2 3 and 4. They are working in twos.

                                                                                                                                                                           This plant is on the window sill it is allowed                                              sunlight.     


These are plants 1 and 2. They are on the window sill because they are allowed sunlight.

By Serena and Alys
Pupils of Class 4.

Monday 8 April 2013

Hello and welcome to Years 3 and 4 new class blog. Hope you all had a lovely Easter break. 
We will now be publishing a termly blog, make sure you come and check them out and see what we are getting up to.
Mr John & Mr Parry :-)