Thursday 17 October 2013

Yr 3 & 4 Entrepreneurs - Product Creation

Yr 3 & 4 Young Entrepreneurs

As part of the schools Enterprise week years 3 and 4 did some market research to find out what people would want to buy at a farmers market.  The children all pooled their research together and decided on 4 products to make and sell.  Both classes have been working hard, working out their costing and calculating a profit margin to try and raise lots of money.

A big thanks to Mrs U Rajapakse & Mrs C Veysey for helping create our products with the children

Hurry up with the cleaning boys!!!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Enterprise Week - Time to Make some Money!

Classes 3 and 4 were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Howells this week. He helps businesses launch new products and very generously gave us lots of excellent advice about designing, making and marketing our Enterprise Week products.

Awesome Squash Session!

Classes 3 and 4 had a great time trying out the sport squash. It was so much fun

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Yr4 Robot Rampage - Robotic Programming

As part of year 4's topic this year (Robot Rampage) we arranged for Dark Sky Wales Robotics company to come in and show us some cool robots and some programming skills.


Wednesday 25 September 2013

5...4...3...2...1... BLAST OFF! Class 3 Rocket Workshop


We made and tested aerodynamic, air-powered rockets.



Mercedes' rocket went so high, it didn't return to the ground for nearly 9 seconds!

Class 3 Test Air Resistance With a Parachute!


We used a parachute as an air brake. It created lots of drag as we ran and it slowed us down a lot!

Friday 6 September 2013

Class 3 Flight Engineers - Parachutes

Class 3 have been designing and testing paper napkin parachutes this week. They have been challenged to improve their design, using alternative materials, shapes and sizes.

Monday 15 July 2013

Class 3 and 4 - Wonderful Willow Weaving

Here's a selection of photos from our 'Willow Weaving' day. The children worked hard and had lots of fun, crafting willow leaves and dream catchers. They also helped to create our fantastic new willow tree 'reflection area'.